
Octalysis Prime

Website - Octalysis Prime - Gamification Information

Octalysis Prime contains lots of information on gamification and really gives you insight on how to apply the frame work created by the creator Yu-Kai Chou. This website is easy to use, and gives you information at a good pace. If your looking for an actual tool to gamify your life, then this is not the right one, but it will definitely give you quality information on gamification. Yu-Kai often mentions business application in his explanations. Good place to start.

I never tried the premium but apparently there are Live Coaching Sessions I will test this out in the future and update the review then.

My Referral Link

– Klevinup



+ Videos
+ Categorized information
+ Good place to start learning about gamification



+ Available in the browser
– Mobile version is pretty much unusable
– No downloadable content
– No dedicated application



– The content consists mainly of videos
– No Actual Tools
– Community features are not integrated



+ Octalysis Explorer Free for limited use
– Octalysis Primer 50$ / Month or
 400$ / Year


Application:- Duolingo - Language App

“Duolingo is an American language-learning website and mobile app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. The company uses a freemium model: the app and the website are accessible without charge, although Duolingo also offers a premium service for a fee.” – Wikipedea

Duolingo has really improved over the years and is now one of the best gamified language learning apps out there. The app is full of achievements and challenges to keep you engaged and feel rewarded. One of my favorite features is the ability to connect with friends and to compete on leader boards. Definitely a gamified experience! – Klevinup



+ Visual learning
+ Audio learning
+ Progression tracking
+ Achievements and Rewards
+ Leaderboards
+ Connect with friends



+ Mobile and Computer
+ Easy to use and understand
+ Dedicated Application



– No real life speaking practice



+ Free – with Adds
– Premium for around 7$/Month (This may vary depending on country and currency)
– Monthly Costs

What is Gamification Actually?

WGamification is actually as old of a concept as games themselves or to be more precise play. We humans like most mammals and some other animals use play as part of our growing up process. It is an ingrained behavior that is found in all humans. This behavior is one of our most advanced learning mechanisms that drives us to explore the world and test out new things. Kids all over the world use play to experiment with the world around them and if you remember your childhood you will probably also remember coming up with all kinds of little games and stories by yourself. Gamification is a new buzz word that relates to our age old instinct to come up with stories and rules to contextualize our world around us and engage with our surroundings in creative ways, but this definition is not what most people are thinking about when referring to gamification. Mostly people refer to gamification simply as the act of adding game elements to something that was originally not a game. As the nature of language manipulates and changes definitions there are multiple definitions to gamification. My favorite one and the one that this website mostly builds upon is from Yu-Kai Chou. He is the author of the Gamification Book: Actionable Gamification – Beyond Points, Badges and Leaderboards and inventor of the gamification framework Octalysis;  “Gamification is the craft of deriving all the fun and engaging elements found in games and applying them to real-world or productive activities. This process is what I call “Human-Focused Design,” as opposed to “Function-Focused Design.” It’s a design process that optimizes for human motivation in a system, as opposed to pure efficiency.” (Chou, 2019) Chou’s point about “Human-Focused Design” This definition really focuses on seeing gamification as a way to improve the use of tools, rules, technology and much more to compliment our human abilities. 

Gamification Will Change Your Life

Learning about gamification is all about discovering what motivates us, how can we make something interesting and what tools can help achieve a task effectively. 
Gamification techniques make use of systems to support and enhance our cognitive abilities. While trying out different methods I often found myself simplifying life so that I can fit some element of my day or action into an application. This process allowed me to reflect on parts of my life which I would otherwise never inspect. After finding the right tools for me, I started living more intentional. My awareness of my actions in relationship to my goals has increased during the use of the systems that I found suited my needs best.

We all use gamification already, but this website is about to improve your ability as a player, to also be the designer of your game. Paychecks, Grades, Applications, Programs, Phones, most parts of Society have rudimentary elements of gamified systems and like games are evolving with our advances in technology. There is a rising trend of gamification today mainly due to new integrations of technology into our society but also through advances in motivational psychology, bio hacking and a general awareness of workforce motivation. Companies like Facebook are famous for using psychological tricks abusing their users desire for a spontaneous reward. Gamification is about isolating parts of games and game design to use them for hacking our brain. Games are designed around human traits and therefore reverse engineering what works in games will allow us to use human focused design in our lives.  

Benefits from Gamification in short

+ Heightened awareness leading to more intentional behavior due to the practice of tracking
+ Attempting to gamify any aspect of life will result in simplification
+ Gamifying an existing system is making that system more suitable for human use
+ Better Documentation skills
+ Pattern recognition
+ Delayed Gratification
+ Understanding of Systems
+ Increase Focus

Rewarding Rewards

8 Minute Read


While studying gamification it dawned on me that games are basically systems meant to hack our reward systems. When I started my research it was hard for me to come up with rewarding rewards, because I was so used to just rewarding myself without a second thought. One big part of creating proper rewards is that you only get that reward for doing something beforehand. Time and time again do I catch myself looking for a reward of some type during an exhausting task. Gamifying a task and thinking about the reward before starting that task has helped me learn about my relationship with rewards and showed how often I break my own rules. This was actually a really scary experience, I noticed just how often I take the easy route out. 

Examples from games

World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft is famous for requiring the players to grind out days to get some equipment. Below is just one example.

What are the requirements to get the Vulpera Heritage Armor?
One of the main requirements to obtain the Vulpera Heritage Armor transmog set is to raise your Vulpera race character to the maximum level. In this case, depending on when you have done it, from the Shadowlands launch event to the future it will be level 50, in contrast if you did it before the change of the leveling mechanics, it would be level 120.

Once you have obtained the maximum level of your character, a quest with the name of Heritage of the Vulpera will appear. To turn in this quest you will have to travel to the Vol’dun area. Once there, you will have to find the Vulpera Hideaway in the eastern area, in the center of the map. There, you must speak to Hagashi to receive the quest.

Find the complete article here.
“World of Warcraft – How to Get The Vulpera Heritage Armor.” Digital Masta, 16 July 2021, digitalmasta.com/world-of-warcraft-how-to-get-the-vulpera-heritage-armor/.

How does it benifit my everyday life

Game developers often struggle with creating meaningful rewards, this comes from the fact that not everyone is motivated the same way. Some people will grind for hours just to get the satisfaction of completing all possible tasks, other times people will stop after minutes when they aren’t rewarded right away or along the way. When it comes to gamifying my life, the strategy has been; design the game you wish to play. That means finding and creating the rewards matching your goals. This has really proven to be quite the challenge for me. As a dopamine addict, I look for distractions every second I get, and unintentionally reward myself throughout the whole day without doing the work. For example when I look up a tutorial on YouTube, I end up watching entertaining videos afterwards for half an hour until I  remember my actual task. Gamification challenged me to come up with rewards beforehand and deciding the time and place for consuming these rewards. I really noticed that I need to stop rewarding myself without doing any work. This turns out to be quite the challenge. In the beginning it was really hard to hold out until I finished my task or tasks until I can pick one of my rewards. Believe me I still struggle with this. But it is soooo worth it to train this behavior. Every time I decide to push through with my task and then reward myself I feel that I am teaching myself to focus on delayed gratification allowing me to not only become more productive, but also more reflective on why I am doing what I am doing. I think this is especially useful for the young one who grew up with phones and people who always got what they wanted without working for it. 

Rethinking your relationship with rewards will allow you to reprogram yourself. Think about it, phones, supermarkets, streaming platforms, online shops have made it so easy to just reward yourself. How often do you tell yourself, oh ill first get that ice cream out of the freezer when I am done with my task. I sure as hell did not let my task stop me from gulping down a Ben &Jerries. Now surely most of you do not have a problem with instant gratification vs delayed gratification, but gamifying my tasks allowed me to readjust my behavior to be more appropriate. First reach that sub goal before breaking off to indulge. 

Another benefit from dissecting my rewards was the fact that some had proved to be not rewarding, like watching a show. This lead to the development of new rewards, like talking to an old friend or stretching while thinking about how grateful I am. 


How i can implement this gamification idea

Coming up with your own rewards is fun. Reflecting on what you like will give you some initial ideas on what could be a reward for you. The key is to create a list of rewards from small to big so that you can decide on the appropriate reward fitting to the size of the task or project that you finished.
Example: Writing for 25 min on a paper could be rewarded with a 5 min break. Finishing 5 sessions of 25 min writing could then be rewarded with an ice cream and finishing the whole paper could be rewarded with buying yourself a massage. 
You will need to experiment a little to find a nice balance between rewards and work but over time your judgement will get better. I for one sit at the computer a lot so most my rewards are related to moving or getting away from the computer.